Abduction and Adduction of Wrist, Thigh, Fingers, Thumb, Arm | Anatomy Body Movement Terms
sex March 20th. 2024, 9:02amAbduction and adduction are angular body movements that have a structure moving toward or away from a midline reference point.
Quiz: https://www.registerednursern.com/abduction-adduction-quiz/
Abduction has a structure moving away from a midline reference point. Let the name help you: To “abduct” means to take something away. That’s exactly what happens during this body movement: The structure is being taken away from a midline reference point.
Adduction is the opposite: it has a structure added back toward the midline reference point.
In this video, I demonstrate the following:
-Abduction and adduction of the arm (shoulder joint)
-Abduction and adduction of the thigh (hip joint)
-Abduction and adduction of the toes
-Abduction and adduction of the fingers
-Abduction and adduction of the thumb
-Abduction and adduction of the wrist (also called radial deviation and ulnar deviation)
Anatomy playlist: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LqOd4Sqc9Ts&list=PLQrdx7rRsKfVfgPDEcUEdDjUpk8NWJU-S
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To survive an abduction, 17-year-old Lisa McVey (Katie Douglas from Ginny & Georgia) uses reverse psychology to orchestrate her eventual release in “Believe Me: The Abduction of Lisa McVey.”
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In early hours of November 3, 17-year-old Lisa McVey rode her bike home after working a double shift. Earlier that night, she’d written a suicide note, contemplating ending her life after years of sexual abuse by a family member. But suddenly, she finds herself in a fight to stay alive when she is abducted. In order to survive, Lisa develops a relationship with her captor, using reverse psychology to orchestrate her eventual release. Once Lisa is safely home, she discovers police and even her own family refuse to believe her. It’s only when a veteran detective hears the details of her story that Lisa finally finds someone she can open up to. As they piece together her story, they realize that her abductor is the notorious serial killer that the Tampa PD is hotly pursuing. Since Lisa left a trail of clues, the police are on his trail, but will they find him before he strikes again? Katie Douglas, David James Elliott and Rossif Sutherland star. (2018)
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